21 Downbeat
Tradition is good; progress is better. But best is a balance between the two. 21 Downbeat have been the house band of the RambaZamba Theatre since 2017 and have been guests at Pop-Kultur twice since then. Most recently, the collaboration between the festival and the post-inclusive project was gained momentum with the Commissioned Work »Der Ring:« a pop-opera based on Richard Wagner bringing a glorious climax – which, however, will only be temporary. This year, the musicians and actors are once again guests at Pop-Kultur, this time under very special circumstances. There’s no doubt that Eva Fuchs (vocals), Heiko Fechner (keys), Hieu Pham (vocals and theremin), Leo Solter (band leader), Moritz Höhne (drums and glockenspiel) and Sebastian Urbanski (ribbon controller, keyboard and synthesizer) will continue to bring the heat. Which, being the third time around, certainly doesn’t break from tradition.

21 Downbeat
21 Downbeat – Roter Cowboy
written by Yoko Tawada
Director & Editor
Jacob Höhne
Ensemble of RambaZamba Theater
Musical Director & Composer
Leo Solter
21 Downbeat
21 Downbeat
E-Drummer & Glockenspiel Player
Moritz Höhne
Eva Fuchs
Vocalist & Theremin Player
Hieu Pham
Keyboardist, Ribbon Controller, Syntheziser
Juliana Götze
Heiko Fechner
Film Location
Berlin, Germany