Wenn schon Auftaktkonzert, dann wenigstens Atomic! Die schottischen Post-Rock Legenden MOGWAI Pop-Kultur 2016 mit einem einzigartigen Filmkonzert und einer deutschlandweiten Premiere ihrer Live-Vertonung einer BBC-Dokumentation über Nuklearenergie. Mehr Infos dazu finden Sie an dieser Stelle und für alle die angesichts dieses verlockenden Angebotes immer noch unentschlossen sind, hat Gitarrist Barry Burns hier noch ein paar Grußworte:
Dear visitors to Pop-Kultur-Berlin 2016 and Admiralspalast.
Mogwai are honoured to be invited to play our live soundtrack along to a cinematic screening of Mark Cousins’ BBC commissioned film “Atomic: Living in Dread and Promise”.
The film recounts the experiences of the nuclear dawn, the A-Bomb, the following Cold War, nuclear power disasters, the moments of hope, the good we could use (and have done) with the technology, and also the mass protests against nuclear energy and weapons which are still highly relevant today. We feel this is a film not to be missed and – within a live setting – feels more powerful than even we had hoped.
We look forward to being a part of the festival and we hope that you, like us, learn something more about a subject that continues to loom over us.
30.08. / 20.00 / Admiralspalast / TICKETS